Friday, May 16, 2014

#29-" Son of Godzilla" (1967)

Son of Godzilla comes in as the worst movie of the original series in my countdown of the best Godzilla movies. It is literally about a tiny Godzilla looking creature that Godzilla basically adopts after saving it from some over grown praying mantises called Kamacuras. The creature, Minilla, is literally a baby Godzilla. He can shoot radioactive bubbles instead of a beam like Godzilla, and bears an upright stance and dorsal spines like the Big G, but despite all these similarities, it was never revealed by Toho if this Minilla creature was actually Godzilla's offspring. This has sparked much controversy as to whether Godzilla is male or female, and if there is another Godzilla to create the baby Minilla creature. Looking past this controversy, after saving Minilla once more from a giant spider named Kumonga, Godzilla and Minilla go into hibernation together when a group of scientists succeed in changing the island's weather, creating artificial snowstorm that freezes everything. Generally speaking, this movie is lackadaisical, but it does show an interesting development in the Godzilla series that would become quite prominent in the coming movies: Godzilla's transition to a childhood icon and a parenting figure. Even with this key ideal of the G franchise in mind, Son of Godzilla falls to 29th place in the rankings. Also, Godzilla looks retarded in this movie. It gets my vote for the worst Godzilla suit ever made.
Minilla looks like fusion between E.T. and a young Michael Jackson.

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