Tuesday, May 20, 2014

#25- "King Kong vs Godzilla" (1962)


Some of you may be surprised by this ranking. This is the only matchup of the two greatest and most legendary movie monsters of all time, so how could it possibly be so low on my countdown? Well, it's not that the battles between the two monsters are bad, it's more that the plot to this Godzilla movie is literally tacked together worse than any other G-movie. As the third movie in the original series, and the first to portray Godzilla in color, the movie followed the happenings of the previous movie Godzilla Raids Again, in that Godzilla awakens from inside an iceberg and begins heading towards Japan once again. The reason I say the story is so tacked together is because there is a clearly evident plot device revolving around a satellite and the news media. I'll use an example from the movie. Godzilla awakens from the iceberg and the next scene is a news cast, informing the world via satellite (which were brand spanking new at the time) that Godzilla was marching on Japan once again. The next scene is Godzilla in Japan. King Kong wakes up as he is being brought to Japan by his entrepreneurial captors, and a newscast quickly informs us that Kong has made it ashore and is about to confront Godzilla. Cut to, Godzilla and Kong's first meeting. It's a poor way of getting right to the action, and while it may have been cutting edge in 1962, it doesn't work now. There is no rising tension, we simply see action and expository reflection of events by the characters. Now this is a lot of negative criticism of the movie, I know, but I am so critical of it all because a monster matchup of such gargantuan proportions such as this one should've been handled much more thoroughly. That being said, there are some bright points. As a child, this was probably one of the first three Godzilla films I had ever seen, so it will always have a nostalgic feel to me, especially when Kong fights the giant Octopus on the island and drinks the red berry juice. I love when Kong shoves the tree down Godzilla's throat, and also, Kong being able to summon electricity and power from lightning. That was a good way to beef up Kong in order to fight the King of the Monsters himself. And now for the infamous ending. Much debate has been sparked over the outcome of the final battle between King Kong and Godzilla, because there is no clear victor. After destroying Atami Castle, the two monsters tumble over a cliff side into the ocean. After a second underwater, Kong is seen swimming back towards his home on Faro Island. Godzilla never surfaces. To the un-trained eye, it would seem Kong was leaving the battle victorious, however, if you look a little closer, it is clear that Kong is actually retreating from Godzilla's wrath, as he realized The Big G would have a clear advantage in the water. Whatever the outcome, King Kong vs Godzilla needs a remake.
Kong uses a tree as a weapon against The Big G.
Godzilla and Kong prepare to destroy Atami castle.



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