Friday, May 16, 2014

#30- "Godzilla" (1998)- Roland Emmerich's Debacle

Easily the worst movie to ever carry the name of the King of the Monsters, 1998's American Godzilla adaptation by Director and Co- writer Roland Emmerich has received the brunt of Godzilla fans most dire scrutiny. An enlarged and irradiated Iguana runs around in New York, eating fish, climbing instead of destroying buildings and bridges, and laying countless eggs in the subway system of the Big Apple, all the while dodging the Military's valiant attempts at chasing the beast until they finally employ some fighter jets, and 4 missiles to the neck puts down the less than fabulous reimagining of Godzilla. Personally, I don't consider this a Godzilla movie, but out of respect for the rest of the series, this had to be the scapegoat for the worst movie. Godzilla fans worldwide can agree with me that Emmerich's reimagining was a slap to the face of Toho's legendary series. Let's be fair here though and realize that "Zilla", as Toho renamed the creature from the 1998 movie, is just as much a victim as we audience members were. The real enemy is Roland Emmerich and his American design team. Cut Zilla some slack, it wasn't his fault his only purpose was to "wow" audiences with his speedy lizard form. Oh, and his fire breath. That was somewhat decently cool at least.

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