Sunday, May 18, 2014

#27- "Godzilla vs The Smog Monster/Hedorah" (1971)


Coming in at number twenty seven, The Smog Monster is a bizarre and over the top flick featuring Humanity's latest self induced plight, Pollution in the form of a giant sludge monster named Hedorah or The Smog Monster. It takes several forms throughout the movie, but Godzilla defeats them all, culminating in a land battle out in the middle of literally no-where, in a grey and featureless landscape with some power lines running here and there. At this point in time, Godzilla was more of a humanitarian symbol than a menacing monster, and appealed far more towards children. This movie is case in point, except with a psychedelic theme that was no doubt influenced by the Hippy era of the time. The Smog Monster is hilariously entertaining, because it's just one of those movies where serious scenes are laughable, and the ridiculousness of everything shines brighter than the overall positive message of taking care of the Earth. Godzilla vs The Smog Monster is still a memorable movie in the series, and the message of trying to manage world pollution was one that was ahead of its time in many ways when this movie was released in 1971.
The Smog Monster in water form, clearly one of Toho's most bizarre creations.
One of the films most hilarious moments: Godzilla's sudden ability to fly using his atomic breath.

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